Happy Lunar New Year.
"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying." Michael Jordan
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The BEDFORD Wing Chun location is operated by James Sinclair.
Instructor: James Sinclair.
School Type: Room Hire
Facilities: Toilets, Prayer Room, NO PARKING.
Location: Park Road Methodist Church, Roff Avenue, BEDFORD, MK41 7TE
Students Profile: From beginner.
When: Wednesdays. Advanced Level Classes start at from 9:15pm
Telephone: (mob: 07860 276923)
Email: info@ukwingchun.com
Monthly Tuition Fee: £50.00
Affiliated to the prestigious UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Asococ. founded in 1985.
Every student wishes to complete the Art and have the opportunity to master it in full. The UK Wing Chun Assoc. has no secrets we teach the complete Art.
Once students have passed the first two grading levels they move on the Advanced Wing Chun Class. Here they will begin the skills of double sticky hands (Sheung Chi Sau), kicking, the pole training (Luk Dim Boon Kwan) and the Butterfly Knives Eight Cutting Broadswords (Baart Cham Do).
This class is a fantastic move on from the earlier levels and we really see the students ability begin to flourish and grow. With the experienced coaching of Master James Sinclair the students make great strides forward in their comprehension and physical ability. The students at this level are well capable of running classes and teaching a branch of their own with the support of the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc.