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The Bedfordshire Wing Chun branch is based in the major town of Bedford.
As part of the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. you can rest assured that you will be in training with one of the most respected groups in the Wing Chun community.
The Bedford branch was established many years ago and has produced a number of good standard students. Some are certainly at a position where they could teach and currently assist at the club.
The Bedford Wing Chun club is run by Master James Sinclair, the Founder and Chief Instructor of the United Kingdom Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. which he began in 1985 after many years of training. This is the only branch that he teaches at on a weekly basis outside his commitments to the National HQ in Rayleigh, Essex.
Master Sinclair is still very much a hands on teacher and teaches all levels of student. However, he will miss the occasional session as he has to attend to other branches with the group. His assistant teachers have many, many years of martial art training and are very capable individuals who inspire the other students.
2 days ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
Master James SInclair is the Founder and Chief Instructor of the world renown UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. Master Sinclair is still very much a hands on teacher and hs classes in Essex, Bedford and Cambridge.
MORE INFOA short profile on Kevin Cutts a senior member of the Bedford Wing Chun school.
MORE INFOA new branch of the prestigious UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. open its doors on Tuesday 3rd Sept 2019 in St Neots. For details call 07860 276923.
MORE INFOThe Milton Keynes Wing Chun class is part of the world respected UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc found din 1985. The teacher is Sifu Jeff Cure.
MORE INFOPrivate lessons are a great way to learn Wing Chun Kung Fu bringing you convenience and personal guidance from a highly qualified teacher.
MORE INFOStarting Martial Arts can be quite daunting. In our beginners classes you will always feel comfortable with no pressure.
MORE INFOThe Intermediate Wing Chun Classes Bedford are where we begin to take the student’s further, teaching all of the forms of Chi Sau, Hand Combinations, Sparring Skills and more. If you have previous Wing Chun training, we can accept you directly into a class that reflects your skill and experience.
MORE INFO NEW INTAKE There will be a new intake at the Bedford branch of the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. on Wednesday 7th March 2018 from 7:15pm. The class is to be taught by Master James Sinclair who is the UKWCKFA founder and Chief Instructor. James has been teaching professionally since 1979. New students […]
MORE INFOSparring Master Class On Sunday October 15th from 1-4pm the UK Wing Chun Assoc. Founder and Chief Instructor, Master James Sinclair, will be conducting his Wing Chun Gworr Sau MasterClass. Gworr Sau is the Art of crossing the bridge in Wing Chun Kung Fu. Crossing the Bridge refers to the ability to beak down or […]
MORE INFOLos Angeles Wing Chun Master James Sinclair, the Founder and Chief Instructor, of the prestigious UK Wing Chun Kung FU Association, has recently returned from a trip to Los Angeles. In September 2017 Master James Sinclair met up with a number of the leading Wing Chun Kung Fu teachers available. As a special guest […]
MORE INFOWing Chun Summer Camp 2017 The Wing Chun Summer Camp 2017 This year master Nick Martin will be connecting the Annual Summer Weekend training Camp. Master Nick Martin is one of the most popular teachers within the UKWCKFA. The reason is is his obvious skill, his enthusiasm and teaching ability. This is a very […]
MORE INFOWing Chun Pole Training On Sunday June 25th 2017 James Sinclair held a Wing Chun Pole Training MasterClass. The Luk Dim Book Kwan is the Long Pole and a superb training tool for developing strength and power. The pole form is by far the simplest to learn as it is only a short sequence of […]